Thursday, January 4, 2018

Get Moving

I've been doing a lot of talking about exercise lately. I'm going to start exercising, someday, probably, well maybe. I'll start tomorrow; no, I'm busy tomorrow, this weekend - oops, lots of plans for this about next Monday?
I've tried a few gimmicks like self-hypnosis. That helps to an extent, but still...
Yesterday I got some good advice that I think will help:
     Instead of this full-blown, "I will exercise" that is really very vague, I need to tell myself specifics. So, today I will start moving more by parking further away from the door, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, getting up at least once an hour at work and walk around, etc... Then build on that for tomorrow...tomorrow I will get on the elliptical at 6:30, then I will dig out my "Sweatin' to the Oldies" VHS tape for Monday morning, etc. The idea is that I Get Moving. It could be stretching while I do housework, squats while I brush my teeth, whatever it is, make specific statements for what I plan to accomplish every day as it relates to "exercise". I don't need to plan time to read because I do that whenever I have spare time, and it's something I love to do so I'm not going to procrastinate. But this "exercising" stuff is something I never seem to have time for, so I need to make it a part of my daily routine. I need to think of it as moving instead of exercising because anything I do that isn't sitting at my computer is an exercise-type accomplishment (especially since I love being on the computer).
So what are you waiting for? Get moving!

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