Monday, September 24, 2018

Pray for a bully

Join us in praying every morning during the hour of 7 am for a chosen group of people. Ask your oldest child (grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, neighbor - anyone you know who is in a public school) the name, or nickname, or even first initial of the worst bully in his or her school. If you don't have a name, please pray for the worst bully at a particular school. We will be praying for these bullies every day this week. The original post can be found here.

A sample prayer:
Lord, our Father. We come together today to pray for (name).
Please forgive (name) for their sin, for the pain they have caused. We know that through You all things are possible, that we alone cannot stop the problem of bullying, but that we can come to You in earnest prayer and that You will take care of our needs. (Name) has caused so much pain in the past, Lord. We ask that you soften (name)'s heart, heal whatever wounds are causing this bullying behavior. We trust in You completely and have faith that you will fill (name)'s heart with compassion and with repentance. Let (name) know the healing power of Your love, how incredible it feels to abide in You. Please choose (name) to do Your will.
In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

If you have any questions or wish to receive daily reminders, you can connect with me at any of the following:
twitter: @7DegreesOfMe
instagram: @archadia27
facebook group: 7th Hour Prayer Power
Spread the word

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

I've been in constant prayer for the last two weeks about all of the lonely people in my life. I have felt so helpless and needed guidance. I wanted to be able to DO something!, anything to ease the burden on their hearts and to take away the pain and suffering. This morning, God blessed me with a task. I hope and pray that this will grow into an international daily event that will glorify God and show the world the power of prayer.

Tomorrow, during the 7 am hour, set aside one minute to pray with me. It can be in your car before you walk into work, in the shower, when you wake up, just sometime during that hour. Set an alarm, or write yourself a note. We will pray together on one particular people group a week. I'll send a reminder on
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power
this blog    so be sure to follow me.
Look for this picture

We'll begin tomorrow. Ask your oldest child (grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, neighbor - anyone you know who is in a public school) the name, or nickname, or even first initial of the worst bully in his or her school. We will be praying for the bullies this week.


Friday, September 21, 2018

On Womanhood

Last night, I attended my first woman's group and when I say "my first" I don't mean of this particular group, I mean the first woman's group of my lifetime (well, except for Brownies, Girl Scouts, and sorority, but still ..., you get the picture, lol).

I've always stayed away from anything that was segregated into men and women because I felt like it pigeon-holed me into a category or stereotype that I've fought against for as long as I can remember. Growing up in the 60's and 70's, the Women's Movement was a huge influence on my life. Even though I was a child, I was completely aware of the idea of equal rights and that women were treated differently, and had fewer opportunities, so I did everything I could to break the mold, and defied anything that was specifically for women. I'm beginning to realize that I probably missed out on a lot by taking it to the extreme.

A few years ago, "Menopause the Musical" came to Dayton and my mother and I went to see it. That was such an unusual, almost powerful feeling being in the midst of all those women. Only a handful of men attended, so it was basically a packed house of women. Watching the musical, I realized that there is something to this sisterhood,... we have experiences and issues and problems and joys that only we, as women, can understand.

God never intended women to be just like men. His intention was to provide man with a partner for life.

As Matthew Henry wrote:
“Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, 
not from his head to top him, 
nor from his feet to be trampled by him, 
but from under his arm to be protected by him, 
near to his heart to be loved by him.”
Matthew Henry, An Exposition of the Old and New Testament be continued...(hopefully)

Friday, September 14, 2018

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Are you lonely?

Billions of people on this planet and so many of them are lonely.
What a sad state of affairs that our schedules are such that we don't have time to spend with each other.
What a terrible failure of technology that we're more connected than ever before and yet so disconnected.
What a disturbing glimpse of our society and of humanity that we let people live in isolation rather than reach out to them simply because we don't want to get involved.

I personally do not understand a people who are so wrapped up in political correctness, in not offending anyone or leaving anyone out, yet these same people shame anyone who says or does something that isn't in line with their mindset or beliefs.

So many people say they really don't have any friends.
In kindergarten (back in the day), it used to be so simple. I could go up to anyone and ask "do you want to be my friend?" And they would say "yes". Now, there are countless children who are being shamed by other children because of weight, because of how they dress, how they talk, etc. How does a six-year-old learn how to shame another six-year-old? I know the answer, but leaving it out there for you to fill in the blank.

If you're lonely or if you're not lonely, make a vow today that you will be the one to make a difference in another person's life. Make that vow today and each day after. Smile to a stranger, compliment a co-worker, ask an old friend out for lunch, make a phone call, not a text; not an email, make an actual voice to voice connection with another human being. Be the hero of their story.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Beyond Blessed

I was feeling a little sorry for myself this morning, a little depressed, bemoaning the difficulties in my life, and especially the stress, when this pillow decided to tumble down, break free of the mound of other pillows and land at my feet.
And I remembered...
I am truly beyond blessed. The little bumps and irritations in life are nothing compared to the vast amount of goodness, love, joy, grace, and mercy that God has given me.

"Ask and it will be given to you; 
seek and you will find; 
knock and the door will be opened to you. 
For everyone who asks receives; 
the one who seeks finds; 
and to the one who knocks, 
the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8 NIV

 Ask Jesus into your life and see the change He will have on your life. Serve the Lord with all your heart and see the change He will make through you on others' lives.