Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Perfect Love Expels Evil

Daily Bible Verse

Pray for our government - Day 3

No matter which side you're on, I'm sure we can all agree (hopefully) that it's a good idea to Pray for our Government from the local level all the way up to the top; present and future.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Encouragement as we pray for our government

Remember always that God brings into authority those who are necessary to fulfill His plan.

Daniel 2:21 (ESV)
He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;
Daniel 4:17 (ESV)
The sentence is by the decree of the watchers, the decision by the word of the holy ones, to the end that the living may know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom He will and sets over it the lowliest of men.’

Monday, October 29, 2018

This Little Blog of Mine

I am so excited! This little blog of mine may not get a lot of traffic, but it gets a lot of mileage! Look where my audience came from during the past week:
How cool is that?! Thank you to everyone who visits!

Pray for our government

   With the mid-term elections coming up, (but without getting political), I think this would be a good time to pray for our government, existing and future.
   I'm taking a bible study class about 1 Peter. In Peter's Epistle, he speaks about how we're to treat others, and in Chapter 2 verses 13-17, he specifically talks about government:
 "Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, 
whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, 
as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers 
and for the praise of those who do good. 
For this is the will of God, that by doing good 
you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men—  
as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, 
but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. 
Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." (NKJ)
   So, no matter if we're happy or unhappy with our leaders, we should pray for them. I often pray that God uses our leaders to glorify Him and to guide them to fulfill His holy plan. I often pray that God will give our government the knowledge and skill to make informed decisions that affect our country and our world.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, 
and thanksgivings be made for all people, 
for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead 
a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 
This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,
1 Timothy 2:1-3 ESV 
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
Mark 3:24 ESV

Please follow along with our prayer group where we come together with one voice during the 7:00 hour to pray for the people around us. Please join with us this week as we pray for all levels of our government.

I'll post a daily reminder to pray on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Chronological Reading Plan Week 1

Chronological Bible Reading
Week One
1. Genesis 1-3
2. Genesis 4-7
3. Genesis 8-11
4. Job 1-5
5. Job 6-9
6. Job 10-13
7. Job 14-16

Did you know?
Job is thought to be the first written book of the Bible and took place sometime after Babel but before Abram. Notice that Job knows about Adam and Eve, and about the Flood. The author of the book of Job is unknown.
Genesis is dated somewhere between 1445 - 1405 B.C.

New Bible Reading Plan

     I'm excited to announce our new reading plan. For the next 52 weeks (or, knowing me, it will probably take longer than that), we'll read the Bible in chronological order! I found a lot of resources for this and picked the one that seemed to be the most reliable.
     Before I got a study bible, I was very confused about when certain events took place in relation to other events. So, this will probably help a lot in that respect. (I highly recommend getting a study bible. I use John MacArthur's NKJ).
     So follow along, when you can. I'm not going to assign days of the week this time, only a number, so day 1, day 2, etc., and will post for one full week each week on Sunday.
I'll post the first week in just a few minutes.

2017-2018 "Read the Bible in a Year" bible photo
2018-2019 "Chronological Read the Bible in a Year" bible photo

Monday, October 22, 2018

Pray for someone who is in physical pain

I personally am a bit of a baby when I'm in pain for any length of time. I have arthritis, and get allergy-related headaches; but other than that, I have no pain. So, when I meet someone who is in constant chronic pain and deals with it on a daily basis, AND still maintains her faith and sunny disposition, I have to look at that person and believe that God is using her to glorify Him.
We are made in His image and anything we do to show how He is working in our lives, whether it's our disposition, loving kindness, or the way we handle difficult situations; all of it reflects on God. People look at us and want what we have. They want the peace, comfort, love they see in us. If we can inspire others through our suffering, that glorifies God.
Those who suffer from physical pain who don't know Jesus may have a more difficult time dealing with their pain. I imagine that they do.
When I was going through chemo and radiation therapy, I smiled through it all and tried to help others who were having a more difficult time of it. I had lapses where I felt like I was going to die and mourned what I was going through, but they were temporary breakdowns and hopefully, others saw in me how God was working through me.
I sincerely hope this doesn't come across sounding like those in pain need to suffer in silence because you don't. In fact, you should get angry when you feel angry, work through the doubt when you feel low, ask God, "why me?" when you're questioning His path for you. But, when you're ready to bounce back from those low points, feel His love and support and know He has a reason for everything and everything is part of His plan.

Therefore let those who suffer 
according to God's will 
entrust their souls to a faithful Creator 
while doing good. 
(1 Peter 4:19 ESV)

Please follow along with our prayer group where we come together with one voice during the 7:00 hour to pray for the people around us. Please join with us this week as we pray for those who are afflicted with physical pain.

I'll post a daily reminder to pray on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Read the Bible in a Year Week 52

Week 52
Sunday                   Amos 5:1 - 9:15
Monday                  Obadiah 1 - Micah 1:16
Tuesday                  Micah 2:1 - 7:13
Wednesday             Micah 7:14 - Habakkuk 2:20
Thursday                Habakkuk 3:1 - Haggai 1:11
Friday                     Haggai 1:12 - Zechariah 4:14
Saturday                 Zechariah 10:1 - Malachi 4:6

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Campaign to end loneliness

This week our prayer group is focusing on people we know who are lonely. In researching material about this growing people group, I came across a website called Campaign To End Loneliness. It's based in the U.K. and is bringing awareness to Seniors who often go for long periods of time without any interaction with another human being. Going through their website, I understand better what my mom tries to convey even though she isn't alone (my dad is still living), and she isn't homebound (she runs errands nearly every day). Nearly all of her friends have passed away. Her sisters live ten hours away. My brother travels a lot for his job so he isn't around much. So, even though she sees a lot of people during the week, it isn't always connecting with other people, and it's that connection that she needs. It's hard to explain, but I'm more aware of it now.
Both her and Dad have said for decades that they hated retirement. It's difficult to fill the days. They're bored. As they get older and have more difficulties, the boredom grows. It's easy to become depressed. If my parents go through these negative feelings, imagine someone who lives alone and is homebound. This video illustrates the feelings that emerge in that situation.

P.S. Please don't tell my mom I talked about her on social media :D She's kind of funny about stuff like that.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Encouragement for the lonely

Believers and non-believers alike can suffer from loneliness even though believers know they are never alone, that the Holy Spirit lives within them, and that God will never leave them, nor forsake them. Non-believers may feel an emptiness in their soul and maybe that's their heart telling them that they need to seek God.
No matter what the circumstance is, it's easy to have a short period of feeling alone and then that turn into depression, which can take away one's desire to interact with others. Together all of these feelings can leave one anxious and socially paralyzed. That's why I think it's important to also pray that the person seeks God and be guided by Him to heal and to feel good about their self so they can face their circumstances and have the strength to do something about it. We can't (or at least, shouldn't) live in isolation, and God doesn't want us to. He created us have relationships with one another, to fellowship. He will help us develop those relationships if we ask.

Some bible verses that remind us of God's love and presence:
1 John 1:7 (NKJV)
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

James 4:8a (NKJV)
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Isaiah 58:11 (NKJV)
The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Please follow along with our prayer group where we come together with one voice during the 7:00 hour to pray for the people around us. Please join with us this week as we pray for those who are lonely.

I'll post a daily reminder to pray on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

Monday, October 15, 2018

Pray for someone who is lonely

"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do" 
This is the first line of the song "One" by Three Dog Night. I think of that song often, together with the chorus of "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles:
"All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?"
I don't think of these songs for myself, but for other people who I know are lonely and hurting. I don't know what to do for them, so I pray. This week I would like to focus our prayers on the lonely people we know. It may be difficult to identify who is and who isn't, but I've found that those who are, have said so on at least one occasion.
The lonely people I know are:
- single millennials, living alone. They work all day and don't feel like going out at night. They get comfortable in their empty houses and find it hard to get themselves to leave for any reason.
- high school students. Even the ones who are out-going seem unable to make close, meaningful friendships. The lunchroom is particularly stressful because they don't have anyone to sit with.
- Senior citizens, widows, and widowers. As friends and relatives pass away, and their kids move away with lives of their own, they are often forgotten and isolated.

Not everyone has the personality, mental or emotional tools or self-confidence to actively seek out friendship. Some rarely leave their homes. You may be a great friend, yet not be able to fulfill what a lonely person needs in a friend. Maybe they need a person who is both a roommate and a friend. Maybe they need a romantic partner. Maybe they need someone closer to their age, closer to where they live, someone who they work with or attend school with. You can't be everything to all people. But you can pray. You can ask our Father to help those who are lonely, to bring them into situations where they can find that special someone or that much-needed BFF.

God never wanted us to be alone. On the sixth day "... the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2:18 ESV) And even though, we as believers know that God is with us always, and know that we are to "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV), still, some people may be so absorbed with their loneliness that they forget to call on their Father.

Please follow along with our prayer group where we come together with one voice during the 7:00 hour to pray for the people around us. Please join with us this week as we pray for those who are lonely.

I'll post a daily reminder to pray on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

See also: Are you lonely?

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Read the Bible in a Year Week 51

Week 51
Sunday                   Daniel 4:1 - 6:17
Monday                  Daniel 6:18 - 9:19
Tuesday                  Daniel 9:20 - 12:13
Wednesday             Hosea 1:1 - 6:3
Thursday                Hosea 6:4-11:11
Friday                     Hosea 11:12 - Joel 2:27
Saturday                 Joel 2:28 - Amos 4:13

Friday, October 12, 2018

Addiction and Spiritual Warfare

Addiction is a disease. Some may look at it as the result of Spiritual Warfare. It needs to be treated as if it's both. We need to focus on the next step while we continue to pray for the people with addictions. You need to have plans in place for the what-ifs. I don't want to come across like I know anything at all about this subject, so I'm only sharing what I've learned from experience.
 - Who do you know who can speak to your loved one once they are ready to seek help?
 - Is there someone in your church family who he/she would listen to?
 - Would that person feel comfortable counseling your loved one?
Then there's the physical and mental part of the disease. If the person is a minor, I highly suggest you use facilities specifically for children. If you have a children's hospital, or behavioral center nearby, find out what services they provide and if they are accepting new patients. Often the breaking point comes without warning. Be in constant prayer for guidance and strength.
Know that what Paul told the Philippians (Phil. 4:13 NIV), still holds true for us today:
"I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.

You've got this. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Encouragement for those who suffer

Encouragement for the addict and for those who love him/her:
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."
(1 Peter 5:10 NIV)

Know that this suffering is not forever. Know that God hears your prayers and will answer in His time.
Please feel free to share if you have any testimony, either about your faith or where you have seen God at work in your life, or someone else's life. Or, share a story of God answering your prayers.
You can either comment below or on our facebook group page: 7th Hour Prayer Power

Monday, October 8, 2018

I Am Obese

I never had a weight problem (IMO) until my doctor told me that I did. Actually what he said was, "you've weighed the same amount for 5 years..." I smiled in an appreciative way, about to say "thank you", thinking I had done well and he was congratulating me when he continued, "...we need to do something about that." I was speechless; this came out of nowhere. Maybe I was a little overweight, maybe even 20 pounds overweight, but at my age, having been through everything that I had been through with a terminally ill husband, becoming an empty nester, and just a generally stressful life, to have maintained the same weight through all of that was pretty darn good. I meekly said, "thank you" out of habit, and walked out.
When I got my paperwork from the receptionist, I saw that WORD; that horrible, degrading word that stigmatizes a person and ruins their self-image, and it was there, on the front page of my paperwork, "OBESE".
That was 2011. Since that time I've gained twenty+ more pounds. Since that day, I have obsessed about every piece of food I've put in my mouth. I used to have panic attacks at the grocery store, but after this, I didn't feel like I could even get myself to go to one, so I went to the smallest store I could so if I did have an attack, I could get out quickly.
I've subscribed to numerous apps; I got a Fitbit. I have an app that will give me recipes based on what type of diet I'm on at the far I've tried gluten-free, fodmap, and paleo. I've tried self-hypnosis, guided meditation, fasting. I've spent at least $100 on supplements. I've alternated watching my intake of carbs, water, sodium, fat, sugar. I've tried eating clean. I've tried to accept myself as I am. I've tried not caring, but that only lasts for about a week before I start feeling guilty for not tracking my intake and for not withholding carbs, and especially for eating "comfort food."
Every six months I have to go to the doctor and for the month leading up to the appointment I go into overdrive obsessing about losing weight before my appointment, sometimes postponing the appointment until I can show some weight loss.
Finally, I just lost it and went off on my doctor (via email - I wasn't confident enough to do it in person) telling him what I go through before each appointment. I told him what I ate and what the totals were for each week (protein, carbs, fats, etc.) and the equivalent number of points on weight watchers. I told him I couldn't do it anymore; I give up. Sign me up for some sort of operation or something. There must be something seriously wrong with me that after doing all of this, I can't lose any weight. I wrote to him about different tests I wanted run and asked him questions about various procedures. Surely there was a pill for this. It took 3 separate emails to get everything said that was weighing (no pun intended) on me because the medical portal limited the number of characters allowed per message.
When my appointment came, I felt like all of the nurses and staff knew about those emails and was positive that I was a shoe-in for the "craziest patient" category. My nurse asked me if I was feeling okay before she had me get on the scale.
The doctor came in and calmly discussed each item from my emails. He said that given my age, height, sedentary occupation, and being menopausal (the great excuse for just about everything) that it was going to be very difficult to lose weight and that as long as I was eating healthy, and trying to be more active, that that's all that really mattered. Really???!!! I don't think that was the message he tried to convey in 2011. I feel like all of the doctors went to a seminar and were told to start making their patients feel bad about their weight, and he had succeeded.
I so wished I had corrected him in 2011; what if I had told him that having maintained that weight for all those years was a success and not a failure? If I had torn up that paperwork that called me obese instead of sitting in my car staring at it? I wonder if I would have gained another twenty pounds. I wonder if I would have had a healthy attitude toward food, and thus been able to focus my attention on just living and being.
He did me no favors in talking about my weight. Maybe I've taken this to the extreme, but I can't help it. I'm so sick of thinking about food. None of it is good for us; even "clean" food is unhealthy if it comes from an industrialized farm where they use genetically modified seeds and poisonous products to kill the bugs and the weeds.
Just out of curiosity, I looked up how much I would have to lose to be "normal". All I can say is, if that's normal, then give me some crazy.

Doctors base the obese label on a person's BMI (Body Mass Index).
According to the CDC, a BMI that is
less than 18.5 is underweight
18.5 to < 25 is normal
25.0 to < 30 is overweight
30.0 or higher is obese 

So, when my doctor categorized me as obese, my BMI was 30. As Maxwell Smart would say, "I missed it by that much." After my "diagnosis" I peaked out with a BMI of 35. (Chemo helped raise that, too). Now that I've successfully lowered it to 34, and knowing what a struggle it was to do that, I did the math anyway. I would have to lose 22 more pounds just to eek into the "overweight" category and then another 24 pounds to finally be "normal" again. Apparently, I was normal in college but have been overweight ever since.
The world needs a new normal.

Pray for someone with an addiction

Addiction is a terrible thing, not only for the physical damage it does to the afflicted person but also for the emotional and spiritual despair it causes for the loved ones of that person. We feel hopeless. We don't know what to do or say and nothing seems to help anyway. However, what we can do is pray. Prayer gives us hope and comfort; we can feel a sense of doing something that will make a real difference because we know that God is listening, and while He's listening, He's also there for us, encouraging us and guiding us, allowing us to minister to the person with the addiction.

Please follow along with our prayer group where we come together with one voice during the 7:00 hour to pray for the people around us. It's our goal to be steadfast and diligent in our prayer lives. As it says in Matthew 18:20 (NIV) Christ stated: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” I believe that promise to hold true with our online group, also. We know that God hears and answers all prayers. Jesus Himself told us: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matt 7:7-8) Paul wrote: "Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything.” (Phil. 4:6) "and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (Psalm 50:15 NIV)

I'll post a daily reminder to pray on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Read the Bible in a Year Week 50

I hadn't realized that I stopped posting these with only three weeks left to go. I personally got so far behind, that I felt like I wasn't following this plan and unfortunately gave up. However, I had several followers and should not have let them down with finishing out the year. So, I'll post these last three weeks, and then I will repost them starting in Matthew for week 1. This second round will be without dates so that people can jump in anytime.

Week 50
Sunday                   Ezekiel 32:17 - 34:31
Monday                  Ezekiel 35:1 - 37:28
Tuesday                  Ezekiel 38:1 - 40:37
Wednesday             Ezekiel 40:38 - 43:27
Thursday                Ezekiel 44:1-46:24
Friday                    Ezekiel 47:1 - Daniel 1:21
Saturday                Daniel 2:1 - 3:30

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Unspoken in 1984

In honor of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for her testimony. Kavanaugh's confirmation is a brutal slap in the face, but I commend you, Dr. Ford and the other victims who came forward. It must have been very difficult, but know that it wasn't done in vain. I pray that we see the real fruits of your labor at the polls this November.
This is just one of my many #metoo stories. It may seem insignificant, but it's my story. It matters to me and is typical of the type of conduct that went unchecked for way too long ...
A group of men were crowded into the break room, standing in a circle drinking coffee and telling stories. They spoke loudly as if everyone were hard of hearing, often breaking into boisterous forced laughter. An older woman was trying to maneuver past them to make coffee. Lost in the building on my first day, I paused in the doorway and caught the eye of one of the men. He tapped the forearm of the man next to him which stopped them all from talking. The woman took notice and rushed toward me, abandoning the coffee pot.

“Good morning! You must be the new girl.” She didn’t pause long enough for me to reply but instead grabbed my elbow and pulled me into the break room. “My name’s Ginny. This is the sales team.” She introduced me to each one, but their names, single-syllables only, non-descript just like their faces and clothes, all jumbled together. The last man was named Peter, the one who had first noticed me. He was still grinning and staring. Goosebumps populated my arms and a steely chill surged up my spine.

He cupped my hand in both of his. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you a lot better.” I retracted my hand with more force than necessary. The pit in my stomach rose up to my throat. Within five minutes of entering my new job, I wanted to leave, but I desperately needed that job and jobs were really scarce back then.

Ginny sensed my uneasiness and cut in: “Let me show you around.” As soon as we were out of earshot, she said, "Whatever you do, don't get caught alone in the warehouse with him," she leaned in, "if you know what I mean." She walked off without elaborating.

I caught up to her. "No, I don’t know what you mean. Tell me." I was a week away from turning twenty-one.

Ginny laughed as if I were joking. We arrived at the office side of the building. Ginny introduced me to the two women I would be working with, Vicki and Joyce. They glanced up from their desks with blank expressions. They each muttered a banal "Good morning."

Ginny cleared her throat and said, "Well, I'll just leave the three of you to get to know one another."
After she left, there was an awkward silence, so I started with: "Ginny said to make sure I don't find myself alone in the warehouse with Peter. What did she mean?"

The two women gave each other a knowing look and laughed like it was an inside joke.

Joyce pointed toward the desk in the back of the room. "You'll sit there."

“What did she mean?” I demanded again.

No longer laughing, she looked me in the eye and said, "We don't talk about it. Just do what Ginny said. Don't ask any more questions."

Each day I was on edge whenever I had to go into the warehouse and whenever Peter came into the office. He would touch my shoulder or my hand. After about a month he progressed to rubbing one or both shoulders, placing his hand on the small of my back, offering to give me a neck rub and proceeding to without my consent. Each time I pulled away, each time I looked for back-up from my coworkers who always had their backs to me.

One day he came in, and started rubbing my back and leaned into me like he was going to whisper in my ear, or maybe he was going to kiss my cheek. I'll never know because I lost it. I screamed "NO!" as I pulled away and proceeded to hyperventilate. For a moment, Joyce, Vicki, and Peter looked at me like I was crazy, but Vicki at least tried to come up with a solution. She pulled a plastic bag out of her lunch, I emphatically shook my head; she threw it down and found a paper bag. Eventually, my breathing slowed and I realized Peter was gone.

The next few days, I felt self-conscious like everyone was talking about me freaking out. I didn't see Peter, thankfully. No one spoke to me, but they hardly ever did anyway. Had I over-reacted?

That Friday just before quitting time, my supervisor called me into a conference room of men who I had never met before. It was apparent that they were the higher-ups of the company. They said that my probationary period was over and they decided not to keep me on. I told them I didn't even know there was a probationary period. When I kept pressing as to why I was being fired, I was told that Joyce was having to do some of my work. When I asked why didn't she tell me I had this extra work, they mumbled some answers but nothing that made any sense.

Back then there was no such thing as sexual harassment. Back then, we were just expected to put up with whatever happened to us; there were no repercussions for the men who did this. People may look at this as so minor a thing that it's not even worth reading, and I admit, it is minor in the grand scheme of things, but it had a lasting effect on me, and ultimately caused a major turning point in my life. So when people question events like this that happened 30+ years ago and wonder how someone could remember it clearly, and why does it even matter now, I just really wish I could answer them and put it into words that they could empathize with. When something happens to you that makes you feel like nothing, like something less than a person, it matters. It never goes away, and it will always feel like it just happened yesterday.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Paul's Prayer is My Prayer

Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians is also my prayer for you:

Ephesians 3:16-19 (NIV)
I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being,  so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

I keep reading this passage over and over again and realize what an awesome prayer this is! This is THE PRAYER for what I seek and for what I hope for. He will STRENGTHEN us as believers with POWER through HIS SPIRIT! We are to be ROOTED and established in LOVE.

TOGETHER with ALL the LORD'S HOLY PEOPLE. We are to work together, learn together, and grow and love together. God created us to be in relationships with one another. Through relationships, we can show the world God's love; we can be the image-bearers He intended us to be, and in so doing, bring honor and glory to Him.

Christ's love is immeasurable. To fully be able to GRASP "how wide and long and high and deep" His love is, I believe, we have to let go of the limitation of loving only with one's heart and try to understand a love that fills the entire soul. With Christ's love, we can never be alone; no earthly problem can be too big to handle, there is nothing that Christ can't do. To "know this love that surpasses knowledge" and what it feels like to "be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God" is the most amazing feeling and goes beyond anything that words can describe!

Embrace it. Share it. Be that love.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sample Prayer for Salvation

This week we're praying for the salvation of a loved one. Below is a sample prayer that you can use for when words aren't coming to you. This prayer should be as passionate as if you were praying for the person's life because that's what this is...a prayer for the loved one's eternal life; we want to be surrounded by our loved ones in Heaven, don't we? We have no idea how long we'll be here in this life, but we do know that the afterlife is forever. Don't let another moment go by without praying for the salvation of your loved ones. Choose one person, or three, or twenty, but pray for each person by name; pray for it like there's no tomorrow.
Sample prayer:
Lord Father, we come together this hour to pray for the salvation of a loved one. I have faith in You, Father, to change the heart of (name). I know that it is not Your will that any should suffer eternity in hell, and I believe that through constant prayer for (name), You will hear my plea, and answer by saving (name).
Please, cast out Satan from their life, the great deceiver who has had control of his/her life for too long now. I pray that You will send forth someone who will speak the gospel to (name) so that he/she will hear it. 
You are a merciful God and I beseech You to shine Your grace on (name); choose them to follow You, Father. Show them the way. Allow them to hear Your Word and repent their sins. Give them the divine gift of Your love. Show them the great sacrifice You made when You sent Jesus into the world to live among us as one of us. Show them the ultimate sacrifice when Jesus died on the cross, and shed His blood that we might have eternal life. Father, please save (name).

In Jesus' name we pray.

Join us at 7th Hour Prayer Power on facebook as we come together during the 7:00 hour to pray for a selected group of people every day for a week at a time. You can also follow on
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Monday, October 1, 2018

Pray for the Salvation of a Loved One

George Muller was a devout Christain who lived from 1805 - 1898. He is best known for establishing multiple orphanages in Bristol, England enabling over 10,000 children to be cared for and educated. He did this without once asking for any money from anyone. Every day he spent hours in prayer, asking God to see to their needs and God always came through. George Muller never doubted that there would always be food on the table, repairs would be made, or even that buildings would be built if it was needed and if he prayed fervently for it.
I remember reading a book about Muller that said part of his daily prayer was a plea for the salvation of people in his life. If I remember correctly, every single person he prayed for eventually came to faith. One man took a couple of decades to be saved, but he did come to follow Jesus.
Let's come together this week to pray for at least one person in our life to be saved. I have a handful of people in my life who don't know Jesus and don't want to talk about Him, or even hear His name. I used to be discouraged by that, but have since learned that every encounter is, at the very least, a chance to plant a seed. I remind myself daily that if God could change the heart of Saul, then there's no one in my life who's hopeless.