Week 17
Sunday, April 30 Exodus 4:1 - 6:27
Monday, May 1 Exodus 6:28 - 9:35
Tuesday, May 2 Exodus 10:1 - 12:42
Wednesday, May 3 Exodus 12:43 - 15:21
Thursday, May 4 Exodus 15:22 - 18:27
Friday, May 5 Exodus 19:1 - 21:36
Saturday, May 6 Exodus 22:1 - 24:18
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
The Gift of God
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)
The Gift of God
For it is by grace you have been saved,
through faith—
and this is not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God—
not by works, so that no one can boast.
In other words, you can't get into Heaven just by doing good deeds. You have to have faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Good deeds are done by those who follow Him, and those deeds are rewarded in Heaven with crowns which we will throw to the feet of Jesus. Like a famous Pastor once said, 'I don't want to meet Jesus empty handed.' To read about the Five crowns, click here.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
eternal life,
New Testament,
Sunday, April 23, 2017
God's Not Dead
This quote is so true. I've seen evidence of it time and again.
We just watched "God's Not Dead II" tonight and I thought it was an excellent movie. I'll be posting some quotes from both the first and second movies over the next week or two, just in case you didn't see them.
Read the Bible in a Year Week 16
Week 16
Sunday, April 23 Genesis 35:1 - 37:11
Monday, April 24 Genesis 37:12 - 39:23
Tuesday, April 25 Genesis 40:1 - 41:57
Wednesday, April 26 Genesis 42:1 - 44:17
Thursday, April 27 Genesis 44:18 - 47:12
Friday, April 28 Genesis 47:13 - 50:14
Saturday, April 29 Genesis 50:15 - Exodus 3:22
daily reading,
New Year's resolutions,
Old Testament,
read Bible in a year
Praise to God for a Living Hope
1 Peter 1:3-5 (NIV)
Praise to God for a Living Hope
Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy He has given us
new birth into a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.
This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,
who through faith are shielded by God’s power
until the coming of the salvation that is ready
to be revealed in the last time.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
eternal life,
New Testament,
Thursday, April 20, 2017
John's Vision of Christ Revelation 1:17-18
Revelation 1:17-18 John's Vision of Christ
When I saw Him,
I fell at His feet as though dead.
Then He placed His right hand on me and said:
"Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.
I am the Living One;
I was dead, and now look,
I am alive for ever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
eternal life,
New Testament,
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Daniel 7:13-14
Daniel 7:13-14 (NIV) Daniel's Dream
“In my vision at night I looked,
and there before me was One like a Son of Man,
coming with the clouds of heaven.
He approached the Ancient of Days
and was led into His presence.
He was given authority, glory and sovereign power;
all nations and peoples of every language
worshiped Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
that will not pass away,
and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
Old Testament,
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Challenge: The Great Commission
Daily Bible Verse Matthew 28:16-20 (NIV)
The Great Commission
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee,
to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw Him, they worshiped Him;
but some doubted.
Then Jesus came to them and said,
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age.”
The Great Commission wasn't only for the eleven disciples; it is given to all of us. We are all tasked to fulfill these duties. Think about ways that you can spread the word of God. We have the ability to change the world, even if it's one soul at a time. See also, The Starfish Story.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
great commission,
New Testament,
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Read the Bible in a Year Week 15
Week 15
Sunday, April 16 Genesis 17:1 - 19:29
Monday, April 17 Genesis 19:30 - 22:24
Tuesday, April 18 Genesis 23:1 - 24:67
Wednesday, April 19 Genesis 25:1 - 27:29
Thursday, April 20 Genesis 27:30 - 30:24
Friday, April 21 Genesis 30:25 - 31:55
Saturday, April 22 Genesis 32:1 - 34:31
Sunday, April 16 Genesis 17:1 - 19:29
Monday, April 17 Genesis 19:30 - 22:24
Tuesday, April 18 Genesis 23:1 - 24:67
Wednesday, April 19 Genesis 25:1 - 27:29
Thursday, April 20 Genesis 27:30 - 30:24
Friday, April 21 Genesis 30:25 - 31:55
Saturday, April 22 Genesis 32:1 - 34:31
Jesus and the Easter Bunny
This was too cute not to share. Apparently, I'm not the only one who's confused about how the Easter Bunny reconciles with the Resurrection. This little girl has given it a lot of thought.
Video found on youtube
Mark Nelson,
three year old,
Jesus has Risen
Mark 16:1-7 (NIV) Jesus Has Risen
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”
But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you.’”
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”
But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.
“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you.’”
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Friday, April 14, 2017
Good Friday - Jesus Dies
Luke 23:44-47 (NIV)
It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon,
for the sun stopped shining.
And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.
Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
When he had said this, he breathed his last.
The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, “Surely this was a righteous Man.”
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Good Friday - Man Saved During Crucifixion
Luke 23:39-43 (NIV)
One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t You the Messiah? Save Yourself and us!”
But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this Man has done nothing wrong.”
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in paradise.”
One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t You the Messiah? Save Yourself and us!”
But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this Man has done nothing wrong.”
Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in paradise.”
bible verse,
New Testament,
Good Friday - Jesus is Crucified
Luke 23:32-34 (NIV)
Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with Him to be executed.
When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified Him there, along with the criminals—one on His right, the other on His left.
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
And they divided up His clothes by casting lots.
This fulfilled the Prophesies of Psalm 22:18 and Isaiah 53:12
bible verse,
Good Friday,
Good Friday at Daybreak
Luke 22:66-71 (NIV)
At daybreak the council of the elders of the people, both the chief priests and the teachers of the law, met together, and Jesus was led before them.
“If You are the Messiah,” they said, “tell us.”
Jesus answered, “If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked you, you would not answer.
But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God.”
They all asked, “Are You then the Son of God?”
He replied, “You say that I am.”
Then they said, “Why do we need any more testimony? We have heard it from His own lips.”
At daybreak the council of the elders of the people, both the chief priests and the teachers of the law, met together, and Jesus was led before them.
“If You are the Messiah,” they said, “tell us.”
Jesus answered, “If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked you, you would not answer.
But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God.”
They all asked, “Are You then the Son of God?”
He replied, “You say that I am.”
Then they said, “Why do we need any more testimony? We have heard it from His own lips.”
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
Good Friday,
New Testament,
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter and commemorates The Last Supper when Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples. Before the meal, He washed the feet of His disciples to teach us humility, and that we are to serve others.
John 13:15-17 (NIV)
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."
Afterwards, He broke bread and shared wine with them. This is Communion which is celebrated in churches to honor Him and what He did for us.
Luke 22:19-20 (NIV)
"And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you."
Afterward, when Jesus was praying in the garden, He was arrested.
John 13:15-17 (NIV)
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."
![]() |
Leonardo DaVinci "The Last Supper" |
Luke 22:19-20 (NIV)
"And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you."
Afterward, when Jesus was praying in the garden, He was arrested.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
Last Supper,
Maundy Thursday,
New Testament,
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Little Goose in the Big City
There's a new influx of residents flocking to downtown Dayton. No longer just the "in" place to live for Gen-Xers, but now some of our fine feathered friends are reversing the direction of "Urban Flight" back toward the big city.
This handsome single is perusing the town for the perfect place to roost. The suburbs were once the ultimate destination for a high-stressed just-want-to-get-away-from-it-all generation, but for this new breed of city dwellers, downtown is hip, artsy, and only for those individuals who have the discernment and character to appreciate what the city has to offer.
So, "welcome, new neighbor!"
This handsome single is perusing the town for the perfect place to roost. The suburbs were once the ultimate destination for a high-stressed just-want-to-get-away-from-it-all generation, but for this new breed of city dwellers, downtown is hip, artsy, and only for those individuals who have the discernment and character to appreciate what the city has to offer.
So, "welcome, new neighbor!"
Daily Bible Verse Luke 22:47-48, 52-54
Luke 22:47-48, 52-54 (NIV) Jesus Arrested
While He was still speaking a crowd came up,
and the man who was called Judas,
one of the Twelve, was leading them.
He approached Jesus to kiss Him,
but Jesus asked him,
“Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”
Then Jesus said to the chief priests,
the officers of the temple guard, and the elders,
who had come for him,
“Am I leading a rebellion,
that you have come with swords and clubs?
Every day I was with you in the temple courts,
and you did not lay a hand on me.
But this is your hour—when darkness reigns.”
Then seizing Him, they led Him away
and took Him into the house of the high priest.
Peter followed at a distance.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Daily Bible Verse John 12:27-33
John 12:27-33 (NIV)
“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say?
‘Father, save Me from this hour’?
No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour.
Father, glorify Your name!”
Then a voice came from heaven,
“I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.”
The crowd that was there and heard it said it had thundered;
others said an angel had spoken to Him.
Jesus said, “This voice was for your benefit, not Mine.
Now is the time for judgment on this world;
now the prince of this world will be driven out.
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth,
will draw all people to Myself.”
He said this to show the kind of death He was going to die.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Monday, April 10, 2017
Writing for Transformation
Left to Right: Omope Carter Daboiku, Grace Curtis,
Furaha Henry-Jones, Melody Moezzi
Writing for Transformation
43rd Annual Writers' Workshop
Sinclair Community College
Today I attended this amazing workshop funded/presented by the English Department at Sinclair Community College. Furaha Henry-Jones headed the event, bringing together the awe-inspiring talent of Melody Moezzi, Author and Keynote speaker, Omope Carter Daboiku, Storyteller and Memorist, and Grace Curtis, Poet.
These wonderful, wonderful women have, in one short afternoon, totally changed my outlook on writing, and maybe even in how I think and look at life. They are bold, brave, courageous women who are actively living the lives they want to live. To someone like me, who has been feeling old and "stuck" in my current life lately, hearing them was like being granted permission to change my current path; they all shared a common thread of advice: "do what you want to do, be who you want to be." I needed to hear that, to be given that permission.
My notes look as if I attended a motivational seminar instead of a writing workshop, but I believe the two go hand in hand. Every writer, that is every person who writes (I write, therefore I am a writer!) goes through this emotional roller coaster. We can be on a writing streak, loving every word, every syllable, shedding tears of joy at the genius of our prose, and then, BOOM! BAM! ZWING! the tears become pools of self-berated despondency at the horrible, sickening, disgusting garbage we've slung at the page, daring to think of it as literature, miserable in the belief that there is no creativity, no talent; it was just wishful thinking. We decide to give-up, vow never again to touch pen to paper or keystroke to electronic-device-of-your-choosing, when KABOOM! inspiration strikes and we're back to the proverbial drawing board, hunched over like a predator over its prey, pounding away at the keys (maybe even cackling), once again rejoicing at our own self proclaimed genius, wondering how in the world could we have ever doubted our brilliant gift?
Or, at least that's what happens to me.
Three completely different women, and I was able to relate to each one on several levels. Their messages were:
Be authentic.
Be bold.
We are experts of our own stories, and each of us has a story to tell.
Know yourself, and know what you have to say.
Just do it. (one of my personal philosophies, see my post "Do It")
Write to heal, to purge, for the joy of it.
Don't be scared.
Lastly, I'm going to toot my own horn for a second...after the workshops, there was an open mic session, and as emboldened as I was from the day's workshops, I bucked up, sucked it in and read a very personal poem that I had written. I have never done that before. Most of what I write, I keep to myself, so "yay, go me" :)
In Grace's workshop, we each wrote a poem about a random item. Here's mine:
Crackle, crumble, dry and square
plastic wrapped, but please beware,
if uncovered, naked, bare,
freshness wanes, but do you care?
I think "no", as my soup is cupped,
and the cracker serves to sop it up.
by Shari Young, 4/10/17
Furaha Henry-Jones,
Grace Curtis,
Melody Moezzi,
Omope Carter Daboiku,
Sinclair Community College,
writers' workshop,
Daily Bible Verse John 12:23-26
John 12:23-26 (NIV)
Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the
Son of Man to be glorified.
Very truly I tell you,
unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it remains only a single seed.
But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
Anyone who loves their life will lose it,
while anyone who hates their life in this world
will keep it for eternal life.
Whoever serves Me must follow Me;
and where I am,
My servant also will be.
My Father will honor the one who serves Me.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Palm Sunday April 9 2017
Palm Sunday: Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King
photo by: Nariman El-Mofty/AP
found at: NBCNews
Today, Palm Sunday is scarred by terrorism. At least 38 people have been killed in Egypt while attending church services. See the full story here. I am speechless, horrified. Please join me in prayer for the victims, their families, their country, and their killers.
Palm Sunday commemorates the celebration of Jesus' return to Jerusalem.
Each of the four Gospels tells of this event: Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-38 and
John 12:12-16
The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting,
“Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the King of Israel!”
Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written:
“Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion;
see, your King is coming,
seated on a donkey’s colt.”
At first his disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about Him and that these things had been done to Him.
Peace be with you all. God bless.
Gospel of John,
Palm Sunday,
Read the Bible in a Year Week 14
We've reached the end of the New Testament, and will be starting through the Old Testament. I think that's pretty exciting!
Week 14
Sunday, April 9 Revelation 13:11 - 18:20
Monday, April 10 Revelation 18:21 - 22:21
Tuesday, April 11 Genesis 1:1 - 3:24
Wednesday, April 12 Genesis 4:1 - 6:22
Thursday, April 13 Genesis 7:1 - 9:29
Friday, April 14 Genesis 10:1 - 12:20
Saturday, April 15 Genesis 13:1 - 16:16
Friday, April 7, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Matthew 21:1-5
Matthew 21:1-5 (NIV)
gentle and riding on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”
See Zechariah 9:9
As they approached Jerusalem and
came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives,
Jesus sent two disciples,
saying to them,
“Go to the village ahead of you,
and at once you will find a donkey tied there,
with her colt by her.
Untie them and bring them to me.
If anyone says anything to you,
say that the Lord needs them, and
He will send them right away.”
This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:
“Say to Daughter Zion,
‘See, your king comes to you,gentle and riding on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”
See Zechariah 9:9
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Matthew 12:38-40
Matthew 12:38-40 (NIV)
Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to Him,
“Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.”
He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation
asks for a sign!
But none will be given it
except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
For as Jonah was three days and three nights
in the belly of a huge fish,
so the Son of Man will be
three days and three nights
in the heart of the earth.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Matthew 17:22-23
Matthew 17:22-23 (NIV) Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time
When they came together in Galilee, He said to them,
“The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.
They will kill Him, and on the third day He will be raised to life.”
And the disciples were filled with grief.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Romans 8:1-4
Romans 8:1-4 (NIV)
Why Christ died for us
Therefore, there is now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus,
because through Christ Jesus
the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free
from the law of sin and death.
For what the law was powerless to do
because it was weakened by the flesh,
God did by sending His own Son
in the likeness of sinful flesh
to be a sin offering.
And so He condemned sin in the flesh,
in order that the righteous requirement of the law
might be fully met in us,
who do not live according to the flesh
but according to the Spirit.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Monday, April 3, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Romans 6:8-10
Romans 6:8-10 (NIV)
Now if we died with Christ,
we believe that we will also live with Him.
For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead,
He cannot die again;
death no longer has mastery over Him.
The death He died,
He died to sin once for all;
but the life He lives,
He lives to God.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Girl About Dayton on Living Dayton
Girl About Dayton will be on
Living Dayton today, Monday, April 3rd
to talk about the upcoming Dayton Crafty Con.
The show begins at noon on WDTN. Tune in!
Living Dayton today, Monday, April 3rd
to talk about the upcoming Dayton Crafty Con.
The show begins at noon on WDTN. Tune in!
dayton crafty con,
living dayton,
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Read the Bible in a Year Week 13
Did you know?
The Epistles are arranged from longest to shortest, so Paul's Epistle to the Romans is the longest one and the Epistle of Jude is the shortest.
Week 13
Sunday, April 2 James 2:14 - 1 Peter 1:21
Monday, April 3 1 Peter 1:22 - 2 Peter 1:4
Tuesday, April 4 2 Peter 1:5 - 1 John 2:17
Wednesday, April 5 1 John 2:18 - 2 John 11
Thursday, April 6 2 John 12 - Revelation 2:29
Friday, April 7 Revelation 3:1 - 8:7
Saturday, April 8 Revelation 8:8 - 13:10
The Epistles are arranged from longest to shortest, so Paul's Epistle to the Romans is the longest one and the Epistle of Jude is the shortest.
Week 13
Sunday, April 2 James 2:14 - 1 Peter 1:21
Monday, April 3 1 Peter 1:22 - 2 Peter 1:4
Tuesday, April 4 2 Peter 1:5 - 1 John 2:17
Wednesday, April 5 1 John 2:18 - 2 John 11
Thursday, April 6 2 John 12 - Revelation 2:29
Friday, April 7 Revelation 3:1 - 8:7
Saturday, April 8 Revelation 8:8 - 13:10
daily reading,
New Testament,
New Year's resolutions,
read Bible in a year,
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Daily Bible Verse Romans 6:5-7
Romans 6:5-7 (NIV)
For if we have been united with Him
in a death like His,
we will certainly also be united with Him
in a resurrection like His.
For we know that our old self was
crucified with Him
so that the body ruled by sin
might be done away with,
that we should no longer be slaves to sin—
because anyone who has died
has been set free from sin.
bible verse,
daily bible verse,
New Testament,
Camp Nanowrimo 2017 First Day
Today is the first day of Camp Nanowrimo!
NaNoWriMo is the nickname given to National Novel Writing Month which I participated in 2011, 2015, and 2016. This is a mid-year event to help those of us who need to be held accountable in order to focus and write the novel that all of us have buried deep within. I've been working on this novel for six years and am only on Chapter 2. While that may sound pathetic, I should explain that I've written the entire thing once, and I've re-written the first Chapter (which is rather long) at least 8 times, but then I get frustrated and stuck and tell myself that it's terrible and no one will ever want to read it, and I'm not really a writer anyway,...but guess what??? It turns out that everyone who writes has those exact same self-defeating thoughts and fears! I'm not alone! Plus, I'm part of a fantastic Nanowrimo community right here in Dayton, OH. We encourage and support each other, share information. It's almost impossible to describe, but it is incredible, and I'll keep coming back for more, and who knows? Maybe in another six years I'll have finished four whole chapters of my book :D
Writing is my "thing" right now; my hobby, my passion. It's what keeps me going when everything else seems to be falling apart. It gets me out of bed in the morning, and sometimes keeps me up late at night. It keeps me sane.
Write On!!!
CampNaNoWriMo: Website Twitter - #CampNaNoWriMo Facebook
NaNoWriMo is the nickname given to National Novel Writing Month which I participated in 2011, 2015, and 2016. This is a mid-year event to help those of us who need to be held accountable in order to focus and write the novel that all of us have buried deep within. I've been working on this novel for six years and am only on Chapter 2. While that may sound pathetic, I should explain that I've written the entire thing once, and I've re-written the first Chapter (which is rather long) at least 8 times, but then I get frustrated and stuck and tell myself that it's terrible and no one will ever want to read it, and I'm not really a writer anyway,...but guess what??? It turns out that everyone who writes has those exact same self-defeating thoughts and fears! I'm not alone! Plus, I'm part of a fantastic Nanowrimo community right here in Dayton, OH. We encourage and support each other, share information. It's almost impossible to describe, but it is incredible, and I'll keep coming back for more, and who knows? Maybe in another six years I'll have finished four whole chapters of my book :D
Writing is my "thing" right now; my hobby, my passion. It's what keeps me going when everything else seems to be falling apart. It gets me out of bed in the morning, and sometimes keeps me up late at night. It keeps me sane.
Write On!!!
CampNaNoWriMo: Website Twitter - #CampNaNoWriMo Facebook
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