Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Plant seeds

Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay

George Muller was a devout Christain who lived from 1805 - 1898. He is best known for establishing multiple orphanages in Bristol, England enabling over 10,000 children to be cared for and educated. He did this without once asking for any money from anyone. Every day he spent hours in prayer, asking God to see to their needs and God always came through. George Muller never doubted that there would always be food on the table, repairs would be made, or even that buildings would be built if it was needed and if he prayed fervently for it.
     I remember reading a book about Muller that said part of his daily prayer was a plea for the salvation of people in his life. If I remember correctly, every single person he prayed for eventually came to faith. One man took a couple of decades to be saved, but he did come to follow Jesus.
     Let's come together this week to pray for the one or two people we've chosen for this week of prayer and pray fervently and passionately for them. Then let's pray for all of the people the rest of the prayer group is praying for. If we all do this and it's God's timing to do this, that would be approximately 230 people saved!!! Hallelujah! Wouldn't that be so awesome???!!!
     Remember, every encounter is, at the very least, a chance to plant a seed. I remind myself daily that if God could change the heart of Saul, then there's no one in my life who's hopeless.

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 
2 Timothy 2:1 ESV

Please join me this week in praying for our loved ones who are not yet saved. We so desperately want to all be reunited in Heaven, and God does not wish that any perish, so we need to intercede for the unbelievers in our life by praying fervently for their salvation. 
I'll post daily reminders on:

#7thHourPrayerPower #BibleVerses #bible  #intercession #salvation #prayer

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