Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sample Prayer for Salvation

This week we're praying for the salvation of a loved one. Below is a sample prayer that you can use for when words aren't coming to you. This prayer should be as passionate as if you were praying for the person's life because that's what this is...a prayer for the loved one's eternal life; we want to be surrounded by our loved ones in Heaven, don't we? We have no idea how long we'll be here in this life, but we do know that the afterlife is forever. Don't let another moment go by without praying for the salvation of your loved ones. Choose one person, or three, or twenty, but pray for each person by name; pray for it like there's no tomorrow.
Sample prayer:
Lord Father, we come together this hour to pray for the salvation of a loved one. I have faith in You, Father, to change the heart of (name). I know that it is not Your will that any should suffer eternity in hell, and I believe that through constant prayer for (name), You will hear my plea, and answer by saving (name).
Please, cast out Satan from their life, the great deceiver who has had control of his/her life for too long now. I pray that You will send forth someone who will speak the gospel to (name) so that he/she will hear it. 
You are a merciful God and I beseech You to shine Your grace on (name); choose them to follow You, Father. Show them the way. Allow them to hear Your Word and repent their sins. Give them the divine gift of Your love. Show them the great sacrifice You made when You sent Jesus into the world to live among us as one of us. Show them the ultimate sacrifice when Jesus died on the cross, and shed His blood that we might have eternal life. Father, please save (name).

In Jesus' name we pray.

Join us at 7th Hour Prayer Power on facebook as we come together during the 7:00 hour to pray for a selected group of people every day for a week at a time. You can also follow on
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27

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