Monday, May 13, 2019

Returning Home

Image by Наталья Коллегова from Pixabay
     When I left for the University of Cincinnati at the age of 18, I believed that I was leaving my parents' home for good (except for holidays and summer quarters). I fully expected to live in Cincinnati 3/4 of the year for the first couple of years, and then eventually find a place there to live permanently. I believed I would graduate and start a career and buy a home. Things don't always work out according to our plans as we've discussed many times here. I moved back in with my parents after 3 years of college; moved to Michigan and after a failed relationship, moved back in with my parents. So, a bumpy start, but thankfully, each time, they took me in and cared for me.
Now, at age 55, I'm back once more. My husband and I are separated (his idea, not mine) and there was only one place for me to go, my parents' house. I came back because I needed a place to stay, but also because I needed the comfort and love and support of my family.
     The same thing happened to me spiritually in the early 2000s. I had metaphorically moved out of my Father's house when I left for college and spent the next two decades without Him. I didn't pray, read my bible, attend church; I don't think I served Him or glorified Him in any way at all. But when I hit rock bottom, I was able to return to Him and He was there for me. Just as it was for the prodigal son, my Father in Heaven greeted me with open arms and rejoiced in my return. I am thankful and blessed to be a child of God.
     I am thankful and blessed to have my mother. In the midst of everything she's going through, she has put it all on hold in order to help me.
So he got up and went to his father.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was 
filled with compassion for him; 
he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
Luke 15:20 NIV

Let's pray for someone who is returning home. I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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