Monday, November 5, 2018

Hate crimes and compassion

   When I was praying, asking God for direction as to who to pray for this week, I came across an article about a Jewish nurse who treated the suspect of the Tree of Life Synagogue. The nurse's name is Ari Mahler and he chose to show the suspect compassion, saying that he didn't see evil in the suspect's eyes, just confusion.
   I'm ashamed to say that I don't think I could do that. When Christians were being murdered, no - when they were being executed and the executions were being broadcasted, I was angry. I wasn't just angry with those who did this, but with everyone who shared their faith, even though the perpetrators had twisted the beliefs of their religion to include executing non-believers of their faith.
   Forgiveness is a huge part of Christianity, and I sometimes struggle with it. We're to love our neighbors as ourselves, ("our neighbors" meaning everyone). I try to do both of these, even when it's extremely difficult because I believe it is paramount if we are to ever put an end to crimes of hate.

Please join me in praying for the Tree of Life Synagogue victims and their families. Please pray to end hate and hate crimes.

Consider following along with our prayer group where we come together with one voice during the 7:00 hour to pray for the people around us. Please join with us this week as we pray for the victims of hate crimes.

I'll post a daily reminder to pray on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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