Thursday, April 2, 2020

Prepare for war

This week we're praying for our front-line workers, those who are in the line of attack making sure that everything possible is being done to save lives. They're jeopardizing their own health and their own lives to take care of the needs of the rest of us. We have to ask ourselves, "what can we do to help them?" We all know the basics, wash hands, stay home, etc. but maybe we aren't thinking of ourselves as being integral parts of the pandemic. We don't see that following the orders and guidelines is enough (but it really, really is important and not easy to do). We want and (some) even NEED to be more actively involved in order to feel that we're doing our part for the cause. That might help those of us who are having a difficult time dealing with the pandemic mentally and emotionally.
     It's definitely something to pray about.

Some ideas:
- Be an inspiration to others with your positive attitude and cheery disposition.
- If you sew, you can make masks. There are area groups who are organizing those efforts.
- Target Dayton needs volunteers to deliver meals.
- Handivan in Brookville needs volunteer drivers.
- Use any hobbies, special talents, or abilities you have to reach out to others.
- Groups are organizing all sorts of things to do in a virtual world: play games, have a dinner party, sing, study the bible.
- If you're having trouble getting unemployment or don't qualify for it, especially if you're one who is young and healthy, there are a lot of places that are hiring right now.
- If you own or run a manufacturing plant, can you repurpose to make the items that are most needed right now? Ohio has made a website for that at
- Check-in with family, friends, neighbors.
- Mail out cards; they can be handmade for that extra special touch.

There are just so many needs out there. Do what you can. The medical profession and government really needs us to just stay home, but if that would do you more harm than good, and you're low risk, find a need and fill it, while adhering to the guidelines put in place.
     We're told to just assume we're all infected with the virus. That should guide your actions. If each person infects 2.5 people, and those 2.5 each infect 2.5 and on and on and on, then you can see why and how this is growing and spreading so rapidly. It's transferred through the air, so not just sneezing and coughing, but also talking.
     Ohio's Governor is going to be announcing additional restrictions today which will probably help slow this down even more, so just be in prayer throughout the day about how more rules may factor into any plans you have. As the passage below says, "Prepare for war!... Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ”
     We're all in this together. Be a part of the solution. #StayHome #InThisTogetherOhio

Proclaim this among the nations:
“Prepare for war!
Wake up the mighty men,
Let all the men of war draw near,
Let them come up.
Beat your plowshares into swords
And your pruning hooks into spears;
Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’ ”
Joel 3:9-10 NKJV

Please join me in praying for our front-line workers; the men and women of the medical field who are treating those besieged by this invisible enemy. Pray they stay healthy and don't spread this disease to their families. Pray that their prayers become our prayers.
     They are in desperate need of help, personal protection equipment, ventilators, beds, and a host of other supplies. They need those who aren't sick to stay home in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but also to prevent overloading the health care system.
     Join me in praying for those who are working non-stop to find solutions/answers to resolve the spread and deadliness of the disease and answers to lessen the strain on our country and our world. Pray that the Lord gives them wisdom and stamina.
     Lastly, please join me in praying for our other workers. Those who are risking their lives to keep our country functioning: those who work in Nursing Homes, Truck Drivers, Delivery Personnel, Grocery, and other Food and Retail Workers, Governments including the Mayors, Governors, Postal System, Jobs and Family Services, Sanitation Department, Police and Fire Departments, and our Military.
     Please pray every day for their safety, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health as they fight this war. Finally, please join me in praying that this strengthens their (and our) faith in Jesus and that others will come to know our Lord and Savior.

I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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