Monday, June 10, 2019

2019 Graduates

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
We need to pray for our recent graduates; not only for their transition into the next stage of their lives (college, workforce, military) but also that they remain in the church.

     An article on Lifeway Research's website* states that, "The dropout rate for young adults accelerates with age, the study found.
     While 69 percent say they were attending at age 17, that fell to 58 percent at age 18 and 40 percent at age 19. Once they reach their 20s, around 1 in 3 say they were attending church regularly."
     “We are seeing teenagers drop out of the church as they make the transition out of high school and student ministry,” said the LifeWay's director of student ministry, Ben Trueblood.

This hit home for me. This is when I dropped out of church, and I didn't return until over 30 years later. Those 30 years were horrible and my problems seemed even more unbearable because I wasn't even praying or in the Word during most of that time. It was a time of feeling alone and isolated. Every problem seemed like it was more than I could bear. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. We, as a church, need to find a way to keep our young congregation coming back and support them in finding a new church if they moved away from home.

Just brainstorming a few ideas:
- Parents could visit some churches with their children just as they probably visited the campuses with their teen.
- Get a volunteer or two from the home church to keep in touch with the teen, reminding them to stay in the word.
- Help them find a Christain group to get involved in.

This is really important. Let's not let this generation slip through cracks. Keep them engaged and active in church and in ministry so they can do the same with future generations.

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, 
in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, 
to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
Acts 20:28 ESV

*Earls, Aaron. (January 15, 2019). Most teenagers drop out of church as young adults.
     Found at:

Please join me this week in praying for our 2019 graduates. Pray for the success of their spiritual future just as you would for their educational or vocational success.
I'll share some of my experience during that period of my life and will post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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