Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Breastplate of righteousness


"Righteousness is represented as a breastplate which provides essential protection for the most vital organs. We can no sooner battle against spiritual enemies in our own righteousness than a soldier can effectively fight without his breastplate."
     "This is not our own earned righteousness, not a feeling of righteousness, but a righteousness received by faith in Jesus. It gives us a general sense of confidence, an awareness of our standing and position."
     "The breastplate of righteousness is your best defense against the sense of spiritual depression and gloom that comes against us." (emphasis mine).
     All of these statements are by David Guzik, found at

     I always struggle with the idea of "being righteous" because I know how imperfect I am. But, that's not the kind of righteousness that we're to count on. From what I understand, we are righteous because of our relationship with Christ. Since He paid the price for our sins, we are able to stand righteous before our Father. It's not anything that we can do or take credit for. It's part of God's free gift of salvation. Since we are His, no one, not even Satan can snatch us from His hand. (See John 10:27-29)

having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 
Ephesians 6:14b NKJV

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"The enemy" from January 28, 2020

Please join me this week in praying for all Christians, with a special emphasis on those who are heavily involved in spiritual warfare. Pray that they recognize it for what it is and don't give in to Satan's ploys or deceptions. Pray for strength, wisdom, and guidance. Pray that they get through the battle, shielded with the full armour of God and come out triumphant. Pray that they know God's will for their lives and that they keep their focus on Him alone.

I'll post daily reminders on:
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