Monday, April 1, 2019

Are you satisfied with your job?

Image by athree23 from Pixabay
How happy are you with your job?

We spend the prime portion of our lives, the better part of our days working at a job. Ideally, our jobs entail tasks that we like to do, that allow us a sense of accomplishment and worth. Ideally, we're working in a pleasant environment with people we like. Ideally, we feel joy (for the most part) in our chosen profession. I'm sure there are people who have that ideal and enjoy an optimal work-life balance and get paid their worth and are able to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

For others, it's the total opposite. We work to pay the bills. We hit the snooze three times every weekday morning before dragging ourselves out of bed, dreading the day before it even gets started. Our morning routines are so bare-boned and timed so meticulously that we make it to work exactly on time, never a minute early so as to avoid spending the least amount of time there as possible. Once at work, we go through the motions which have become so monotonous that our bodies can practically perform the tasks on auto-pilot. This at least allows our minds to drift off to more pleasant thoughts, (or dwell on the dismal fate of our daily toil.) We talk to co-workers, feigning interest in their small-talk, all the time watching the clock until it's time to go home. Once at home, we're so emotionally drained that we can't accomplish anything other than the bare minimum of what needs to be done to get us through until the next day when it all starts over again.

That is no way to live.

Tomorrow we'll talk about ways to move toward a job filled with promise and reward.

Let's pray for someone we know who is unhappy with their job. I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
instagram @archadia27
facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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