Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Bread of anxious toil

 Image by Pexels from Pixabay

After I posted Monday, I thought it probably doesn't make sense to a lot of people what 'fear of not sleeping' looks like, so I thought I should that time I'd given up all hope (and effort) of falling asleep on my own. It had been years and years of trying anything and everything to fall asleep and stay asleep, so at some point, I just started taking sleeping pills every night. The first few years I took prescription medication (only half a pill), but then they (the medical profession) discovered that this wasn't the non-addictive, non-side-effect wonder-drug that they thought it was. So my doctor started pressing me to go off of the medicine. Eventually, I did and switched to over-the-counter just so I didn't have to hear about it every time I saw him. The problem was that even half a pill seem to leave me excessively tired the next morning, so I had to quit taking them.
     I still had the problem of anticipating that I wouldn't/couldn't fall asleep, and most nights
not being able to quiet my mind enough to sleep anyway. Anyone who's ever had a rough night knows how it affects the next day. Imagine every day being like that. I couldn't do it on my own. I needed help. 
     I talked with my therapist about it. She's really good about pointing out, "what's the worst that could happen if...?" So, what if I didn't read the news right before bed? Would it still be there in the morning? What's the worst that could happen if I didn't take work home with me? What's the worst that could happen if I gave all of my anxieties over to God?
     I worked on those things and also combined different non-medicine "tricks" that I had tried over the past several years to create a sort of bedtime routine. I cut off devices an hour before bed, went to bed and woke up at about the same time every day, etc. But, ultimately what I think really helped was letting go of that anxiety, that anticipation or expectation that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. I put God in charge and "rested" in His sovereignty. The last 30 to 60 minutes before bed is now spent with Him, reading His word, and praying.
     Secondly, I downloaded an app called Insight Timer. There are two pieces that I listen to, alternating them each night: "Delta Waves & Oceanic Sounds for Deep Rest" by Lotusopus and "Deep Sleep Music - 1.5Hz Binaural Beats for Sleep" by Aaron Darrell. There are several more, but these work for me. They run for almost an hour each but I hardly ever hear the end of the music. If you don't want to download the app, there is similar music available on YouTube.
     I hope this helps. The thing is, there's a really good chance that anxiety is the root cause of your/my insomnia so investigate what's behind that. Pray about it. Let go of that anxiety (I know that's easier said than done) and know that no amount of tossing and turning is going to solve the problems of the world. God will watch over you while you sleep. He is sovereign over all things, so let go. He's in charge, so let Him take care of you, watch over you, His child. 

It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, 
eating the bread of anxious toil; 
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
Psalm 127:2 ESV
Please join me this week in praying for those who have trouble sleeping, whether it's chronic insomnia or a temporary condition. Pray that they are able to let go of anxiety and fear. Pray that they are able to find peace and assurance in Jesus.

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twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

#7thHourPrayerPower #BibleVerses #bible #insomnia #sleep #fear #anxiety #Psalms

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