Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Cinco de Mayo

 Image by Darrell Perry from Pixabay

Preface: I guess I should apologize if this is too "controversial" for what I'm trying to accomplish here (or maybe it isn't even controversial at all), but I just feel like if we don't call out the inconsistencies in our words and actions that things will never get better. We as Christians are called to be peacemakers. We're called to be images of Christ.
     I know I've said this over and over, but it continues to baffle a time when everyone is all up in arms about politically correct speech, there sure seems to be a lot of hate speech that goes overlooked. There's a lot of shouting going on, but no real discussion.
     Today is Cinco de Mayo. I'm guessing a lot of people in the U.S. will be celebrating today, without knowing the significance. They'll go to Mexican restaurants and be cooked for and served by people who came to the U.S. from Mexico. I'm certain a good portion of those diners are the very ones wanting to keep Mexicans out of our country, who see Mexicans as theives, rapists, and murderers, yet they're willing to acknowledge that not all Mexicans are criminals, at least until after they've had their Cinco de Mayo Mexican lunch.
     What we should do is take off the glasses that make us label everyone, that make us see everyone as a stereotype based on skin color. What color was Jesus' skin? Do you think Adam and Eve were white out there in the region that is now Iraq? I doubt it. White-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed people were not and are not God's "chosen." 
     So, at least for today, keep all of that in mind. Notice how hard the Mexicans are working to serve us so that we can celebrate their holiday. Leave a generous tip to show them that you recognize their hard work and the service they provide.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12:18 ESV

We are also praying this week for peace and comfort in healing. The specific prayer requests from the Allens:
"Please pray specifically that the graft versus host disease would leave his body. Pray that Jesus would fill Donnie’s lungs with his breath and that he would be able to breathe with no problems. 
Please also pray for me (Amanda) if you would. I have been experiencing great anxiety and not able to eat well. My fears have been getting the best of me. I need to be able to stay healthy and strong so I can be there and good for Donnie." 
Please pray for the physical healing of B.F., M.W., T.F., C.W.
Pray for the mental healing of D. (I don't know her last name, but she desperately needs to seek help for her condition).
Pray for the spiritual healing of all who have been bombarded lately in a battle of spiritual warfare, including L. and C. 
If you would like to add anyone to the list, please send me their first initial, or both and what type of healing they need. God is good. He hears our prayers. 

You might also like: "Hate crimes and compassion" from November 5, 2018

Please join me this week in praying for healing for those we love. Ask our Father to grant peace and comfort to all who are worried for the sick, and/or who continue to be overwhelmed in a spiritual battle.

I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

#7thHourPrayerPower #BibleVerses #bible #CincoDeMayo #Mexican #prejudice #healing #prayer #peace

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