Monday, May 3, 2021

Praise and worship

 Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay
Praising God this morning for all of the healing He did over the weekend! Yesterday I asked you to pray for our brother in Christ, Donnie Allen. About mid-day we received a message that he was taken off of the ventilator and put on an oxygen mask and that he was alert and responsive! Hallelujah!
     Another brother in Christ was released from the hospital yesterday.
     There are so many more who need our continued, fervent prayers for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Since the condition of those we love has a ripple effect on friends, family, neighbors, etc., I would also like to focus our prayers on asking for and praising God for the peace and comfort He offers all who follow Him.
     Please be in prayer for the continued healing of D.A., and ask for peace, comfort, encouragement and strength for his wife, A.A.
Please pray for the physical healing of B.F., M.W., T.F., C.W.
Pray for the mental healing of D. (I don't know her last name, but she desperately needs to seek help for her condition).
Pray for the spiritual healing of all who have been bombarded lately in a battle of spiritual warfare, including L. and C.
If you would like to add anyone to the list, please send me their first initial, or both and what type of healing they need. God is good. He hears our prayers.

     God uses these difficult times to bring Him glory, to bring us closer to Him. Sometimes He uses suffering to reveal something to us. Always it accomplishes His purposes. Donnie said that "God uses suffering to show us how Christ suffered for us."
     We're not promised tomorrow, so fill your day doing whatever you do as if it is for Him.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. 
In the world you will have tribulation. 
But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 ESV

Please join me this week in praying for healing for those we love. Ask our Father to grant peace and comfort to all who are worried for the sick, and/or who continue to be overwhelmed in a spiritual battle.

I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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