Monday, June 7, 2021

Pray for siblings

 Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

I heard a story this weekend of a family torn apart. I don't know the details and couldn't share them even if I did. What I do know is a family that was once close is now alienated from each other and it all began with an event between two siblings.
     It's hard for me to look at my brother, a hard-working responsible adult who gives me hugs and says, "I love you, Sis," and see the emotional, sometimes angry, sometimes messed-up kid who I grew up with. But every once in a while he'll giggle like he used to as a child, or get emotional or angry and it takes me back. We have a history together that I don't have with anyone else. We share secrets, memories. It's a special bond that holds us together. 
     We disagree on many things which is okay. We disagreed on many things as children, too. We've hardly seen each other through the pandemic, but when we did, we picked up right where we left off. I can't imagine a situation where either of us would do something that the other one would want to completely break ties. Yet it happens to families all the time.
     I am so blessed and so thankful for my family. It breaks my heart to hear of division among others. Let's pray for this special relationship this week. If you're an only child, think of someone close who you grew up with; a neighbor or a cousin, maybe. Someone who knows the real you.

I have become a stranger to my brothers, an alien to my mother's sons.
Psalm 69:8 ESV

You may also like:
- "Encouragement for the new year" from December 18, 2018 (It's still relevant today.)
- "The power of words" from February 25, 2019

Please join me this week in praying for siblings. Pray that any siblings who are alienated from one another find a means to heal and repair their relationships.

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twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

#7thHourPrayerPower #bibleverse #bible #siblings #brother #sister #relationship #forgiveness #trust #healing #reconcile

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