Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Please God not man

 Image by Firmbee from Pixabay  Women's hands holding a cellphone at a laptop. Multi-tasking

Don't tell my husband I'm sharing this, but...
When he and I split up a few years ago, one of the contributing factors was that it drove him crazy that I'm on my computer all the time. (To be fair, I am always on it.) There were times when I was on my laptop, and simultaneously using my cellphone and tablet. So then when we got back together, I said I would try to limit it. As you can imagine, that lasted about a week. Coincidentally, he started a bible study around that time which occupied nearly all of his free time. So, I felt like that was my cue to explain to him everything I'm doing online: writing a book, a blog, gathering biblical information for both and for a life group I lead, and for bible studies, I was in. 
     All these years he just thought I was on social media the way he used to be; he never asked me what I was doing and I never felt compelled to explain myself. Our whole break-up was the result of a breakdown in communication. (Not just over this, but other things, as well.)
     We're doing much better now but I still feel like he's judging my computer time even though he isn't. Sunday he was sitting outside and I wanted to join him but I had to charge my laptop and plus, it was really hot out. So, I was struggling with, 'do I stay inside where I'm comfortable and work on my book, or go outside for some quality time and be miserable?' I opted for staying inside. Later he came in and we hung out then, so it was all fine. (I put away my laptop.)
     It's just that residual feeling that he resents me being on the computer and my struggle of turning it off, that stresses me out sometimes. I know we're past that now but I feel like I need to please him. I want to reiterate, this is all me. He's not doing or saying anything to make me feel torn. I just had to realize Sunday that if I'm doing something to please God (writing a book to inspire other Christians) then I'm doing the right thing with my spare time.
     We can apply this thought process to everything we do: Why am I doing this? Does it please God? Does it bring Him glory? If the answer to the last two questions is 'yes' then keep it up. Don't let anyone, any person stand in your way.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 ESV

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Please join me this week in praying for guidance from our loving Father. Let's ask Him what He wants us to do or say. Pray that in everything we do, we please Him. Let's also pray for friends and family who get too wrapped up in people-pleasing and deny what God would have them do. 

I'll post daily reminders on:
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