Tuesday, June 22, 2021

When you ask but do not receive

Girl walking down a road #alone with large stuffed animal. #needshelp Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

I was reminded yesterday by a friend that not everyone is willing to help others. She wrote:
 In the past, I was always made to feel guilty asking for help. I go to the Lord with EVERYTHING but with people? Anytime I tried, I was made to feel bad. So...kept it at the throne.
- Elizabeth B.
It honestly didn't occur to me until after I posted that not everyone wants to help others. Elizabeth's post confirmed it. 
- Unfortunately, those people are perfectly fine with living out their lives, wrapped up in just themselves. Of course, the day will come when they'll need help and at that point may find themselves up a creek without a paddle.
- Still, others are too busy to help (I shamefully find myself in that category a little too often).
- There are people who believe that we should each be self-sufficient and therefore won't help anyone out of principle, so to speak. 
- There are those who expect something in return.

     Yeah, the more I think about it, I can understand why some people don't ask for help. So, I guess we should pray for the unhelpful people, too. Pray that God softens their hearts and minds; that He gives them servants' hearts and show them that that's how He wants us to interact with each other, as loving, caring brothers and sisters.
     I didn't use to have a servant's heart until a true servant of Christ set me straight. I'm so thankful to her. She changed how I thought about serving and it's made a huge impact on my walk with Christ. I hope you can take a couple of minutes to read that post: "Acquiring a servant's heart" where I talk about the experience.
     Like Elizabeth wrote, she keeps "it at the throne." At least there, we can always find help and strength.
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:2 ESV

     Please do ask for help when you need it. Ask God to send you fellow Christians who will lift you up in your needs. Ask Him to help you through the valleys.

You may also like:
- "Help others help themselves" about supporting small businesses
- "Will you be my neighbor?" a lesson from Fred Rogers that everyone is our neighbor

Please join me this week in praying for those who need help but don't ask for it. Pray that they see the benefits of allowing others to help them. Pray that they have good experiences as a result of opening up to others. Pray that they are served by Christians who show Christ to them. Let's also pray for those who refuse to help, for whatever reason. Pray that God softens their hearts and minds, that he give them servants' hearts so that they may know the joy in working together as one body of Christ and the reward of knowing they are doing God's will.

I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

#7thHourPrayerPower #bibleverse #bible #help #ask #need #independant #strong #prayer #relationship #anxiety #isolated #lonely


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