Sunday, July 5, 2020

He took our illnesses

Please join me in praying for:
T.K. high-risk surgery earlier this week; large mass on ovary not yet biopsied, complete hysterectomy
A.M. who is recovering from surgery earlier this week
D.A. who is preparing for a bone marrow transplant in the coming weeks; please also pray for his donor.
B.F. who has stage 4 cancer
T.F. who has cancer
S.S. who has pancreatic cancer
J.S. who is recovering from a heart attack and an illness, (update: he is home now to recuperate)
M.W. who has a lung or respiratory disease
T.H. who has stage 4 cancer, (update: heart echo came back normal)
S.S. suffers from chronic pain due to CRPS and damaged nerves
W.D. who has a rare eye infection.
J.B. who is being treated for Lyme disease, praying for complete recovery and no after effects
those who have and have had the coronavirus
U.S.A. our country, leaders, and residents
Family, caretakers, and loved ones of those noted above

This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.”
Matthew 8:17 ESV

Please join me this week in praying for healing for these brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering from disease or illness. Pray boldly and with your whole heart, knowing that whatever we ask for and do not doubt, God will do.
I'll post daily reminders on:

#7thHourPrayerPower #bible #BibleVerses #prayer #healing #disease #illness #petition #intercession #heart

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