Monday, July 27, 2020

What God hates

Last week we connected to God by praying through scripture. I hope all of you got as much out of it as I did. This week, let's connect with Him by delving more deeply into His character. 
     A Pastor and biblical commentator wrote, "We should hate what God hates." I completely agree with that statement and wanted to dive into what it is that God hates.
     The direction I was going to go with this this week is already fully covered in an article I found, Billy Graham: Things God Hates. (And I've already mentally changed the topic for the week three times, so we're going to go with this.) Hopefully, you'll find time to read the article. He goes through each of the seven things written about in Proverbs and backs them up with Scripture.
     One of the things he talks about, and that I want to touch on more another day, is that people don't want to believe that God is capable of hate, but if you read the Bible and get to really know God, you'll understand Him, His character and why. 
     Think of Him as our Heavenly Father, (which He is) and how it must hurt Him when we sin. Think of the fact that He sent His only Son to die a horrible death on the cross in order to pay for our sins. He did this because of how much He loves us. Can you even fathom a love so great as that? I can't, but I'm grateful for it, every single day. So if I can work harder to avoid doing the things that He hates, then, of course, I want to do that. However, I'm a sinner and need His help to be a better image-bearer, and therefore I pray that He make me more Christlike.

These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19 NKJV

Please join me this week in praying for ourselves and others that we may avoid the characteristics and actions that God hates. Pray for direction and strength to be more Christlike. Pray that we come closer to the Father by getting to know Him better, through Scripture and prayer. And finally, pray that by doing these things, non-believers will see Christ through us and our actions and want the peace and joy and hope that we have because of Him who first loved us.
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twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

#7thHourPrayerPower #BibleVerses #scripture #bible #evil #lying #prayer #pride #sin

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