Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Are we basically good?

 Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay  Man with wings and halo. Are we as humans good by nature?

I believe we get caught up in other people's worldviews even when it comes to Christianity. We start to go along with the latest trends even when they're perpetrated by non-believers and even when those trends/beliefs contradict the Bible.
     I know I've talked about this before, so I won't rehash the whole thing (I'll share links in the "You may also like" section below), but one of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is that people are basically good. Just because I didn't kill anybody, does not make me good. The Bible says, "as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one;" (Romans 3:10 ESV). 
     It's my thinking that we take this concept and double down on it when it comes to ourselves. I'm definitely not speaking about everyone, and it seems to be a lot more prevalent in non-believers and there are a lot of people who go to the opposite extreme, so take some of these general statements with a grain of salt, and stick with me for a minute:
     What occurred to me was that some people just cannot see that what they do or say is "bad." For example, let's say "Don" is one of those people. He spends his workday cursing, yelling, pushing his weight around. Everything has to be his way or the highway. The thermostat is set to his liking. The office organization is based on how he works. If someone doesn't answer his call, he leaves threatening messages. 
     In his mind, he's just doing what needs to be done. If any of his employees take offense, he turns it back on them. There must be something wrong with them if they're cold. There must be something wrong with them if they can't understand his filing system. He even lets his clients know that there must be something wrong with them if they don't return his calls. 
     A lot of this type of behavior is because no one ever corrected him when he was growing up. No one told him it was wrong to be threatening. No one taught him how to work with others, to discuss matters, to compromise. So he has always lived under the assumption that he's good. He's right. He's behaving normally. 
     As sinful man, we need to be taught right from wrong. The major things, like killing, we all know are wrong, but the less obvious things like pride, selfishness, deceit, and betrayal need to be cleansed from our hearts also.
     I guess what I'm saying is that we need to own up to being sinful creatures; we are the descendants of Adam and Eve. The result of their sin still fills us today. We, as Christians, need to be in the word so that we know truth amid the lies the world would have us believe.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:8 ESV

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Please join me this week in praying for guidance. Let's ask our Father to show us our sin, to show us where we're at fault and how we can make things better in our everyday interactions with others. Let's also pray for softened hearts, discernment, and wisdom in all situations. Pray that God helps us become more Christlike so that nonbelievers will see us and respond by seeking Him.

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Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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