Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A new lens

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay  Looking through a camera lens at a mountain. The scene outside of the lens is blurry but what's seen through the lens is in focus. We need to look at life through this new lens and ask 'Is it I?' instead of blaming others.

There are so many different ways to look at this idea of acknowledging our potential for sin, taking responsibility for our sin, shifting blame onto others, looking within -- I hardly know where to start.
     Looking at Mark 14:19 in this light (read yesterday's post if you missed it) really made me turn inward and think of various relationships. How many times have I assumed it was the other person's fault that we didn't get along? How many times have I assumed I was in the right and he/she was in the wrong? I've spoken many times about my problem with pride; it makes sense that I would assume the other person was wrong. Now that I'm working on humility, maybe I should revisit the relationship issues I'm having and see how those problems look when held up to the "Is it I?" lens.
     - There's the relationship with the bully client. Is there something I can do to eliminate some of his anxieties? Not that I believe the victim is the one who needs to make concessions, but in a situation like this where it's part of my job and I can't escape it (other than quitting), I need to find a way that we can work together.
     - There's the relationship with a prideful coworker. I quit fighting him a long time ago but recently we've had to work in closer proximity to each other and so those urges I have of correcting him came flooding back. It didn't go over well. Now our offices are nearly 20 feet apart so I can begin working on just letting go when he does things or says things that I believe are wrong.
     - Finally, there's my relationship with my spouse. Instead of blaming him for any problems we have, can I first look at myself and see if there's something I can do to make things better? I have tried in the past and it does make a difference.

     For me, I believe my intentions are good when I try to work on things like this, but then, for whatever reason, my attitude changes back to one of futility and so I give up. A lot of it is probably Satan. You know that whenever we try to become more Christlike, Satan gets all freaked out and interferes. His number one weapon is causing conflict in our relationships. Don't let him win. Fight the good fight. Look within. Pray for help and strength from our loving, caring Father. Ask God to show you if it's you who's at fault and what you can do to fix the situation. He answers us; we just need to ask the questions.

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, 
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:6 ESV

Toward the scorners he is scornful, 
but to the humble he gives favor.
Proverbs 3:34 ESV

You may also like:
- Are you deceived?
- Why marriage isn't easy

Please join me this week in praying for guidance. Let's ask our Father to show us our sin, to show us where we're at fault and how we can make things better in our everyday interactions with others. Let's also pray for softened hearts, discernment, and wisdom in all situations. Pray that God helps us become more Christlike so that nonbelievers will see us and respond by seeking Him.

I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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