Thursday, September 19, 2019

His steadfast love

During the past year, God has heard our prayers and worked out in His perfect timing to answer several prayers in a combination and sequence to heal numerous hearts.

When we prayed for the lonely, the elderly, widows and widowers, parents and family, He brought them all together in one household to help each other through their lonliness and grief. He helped the elderly widow find new purpose and a sense of being needed.

When we prayed for our Pastors, a changed heart, those who moved home, those facing a life change, for patience, to listen, those considering a divorce, God stepped in and had the Pastor call me to soften my heart and listen to my husband and really hear him and consider what he was feeling. I had moved home not because of a failed marriage, but because that's where God needed me to be at that time for my mom who had just lost my dad, for my daughter who had just sold her house. When all of this happened, I couldn't see the "why" but stepping back and seeing the whole sequence of events, I'm in awe of what God orchestrated to help those in my life whom I had prayed for and to help me through my grief and what I was going through emotionally. My husband and I have reconciled and our marriage is so much better now. This had to happen the way it happened in order to fulfill God's plan to answer our prayers. We're here to build relationships and be there for each other and to bring glory to Him. We can glorify Him by being image-bearers and praising how He works in our lives. God is love.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1 ESV

Please join me this week in gratitude for our Lord and Saviour. Let's give thanks for His love, mercy, and grace. Let's rejoice for His answers to our prayers.
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twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Instagram @archadia27
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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