Monday, October 21, 2019

Too much stuff

I grew up in a middle-class family and as far as I knew, we never wanted for anything. Part of that was because my parents never talked about finances in front of us, but still, we had a house, food, clothing, transportation.
     Then, I got married and found out what it was like to be poor. We lived paycheck to paycheck and were always robbing Peter to pay Paul. During that time, I remember thinking, "if we only had more money," as if that would solve all of our problems.
     We did eventually make more money, but, like so many others, with a higher income came a more expensive house, a more expensive car, premium cable channels, etc.,... in other words, the more we made, the more we spent and so I was still thinking, "if we only had more money."
     Each time we moved, we needed a bigger and bigger moving truck which meant we were accumulating more stuff every year. Our basement became a storage space full of bins and I didn't even remember what they contained.
     All of this was during my dark time when I wasn't with the Lord. I wasn't in the Word, I wasn't going to church, I wasn't even praying, and I attribute the darkness of life during that time as a result of trying to go it alone. God was there, I just never spoke to Him. Therefore my possessions became my "god" so to speak; they were what I wanted, so in reality, they were what I "worshipped". I thought I could find contentment in storing up treasures on earth. I was wrong.

And he said to them, 
“Take care, and be on your guard 
against all covetousness, 
for one's life does not consist in the 
abundance of his possessions.”
Luke 12:15 ESV

Please join me this week in praying for someone who is discontent.
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Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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