Saturday, January 18, 2020

In a valley

When I was going through chemo and radiation, there were days when I was praising God that I was alive and then there were days when I was crying at the prospect of dying. It was an extremely emotional time made even more difficult by the fact that I had just lost a husband to cancer two years before.
     One of the things that got me through was the outpouring of love and support from people all over the world. I had online friends from several different countries, including this one, and everyone would keep in touch by email, IM, social media and let me know that they were praying for me.
     What made my day every once in a while, though, was when I would receive a card in the mail (and sometimes a gift). It was just so wonderful to know that someone took the time to buy a card and write a note in it. It never failed to cheer me up.
     I find that when I'm down now, a wonderful pick-me-up is to buy a card or small something for someone who I know is sick or hurting. It's my opinion that when I'm depressed it helps immensely to turn my focus onto others AND to count my blessings.
     So, if you're trapped in a valley or know someone who is, think about sending them a card today and you may just lift both yourself and the card recipient to the mountain tops.

Please take a moment to pray for the healing of these special people:
D.D. who is having double or triple bypass surgery this Tuesday or Wednesday
D.A. who has leukemia
B.F. who is dying from cancer
S.S. who has pancreatic cancer
M.W. who has a lung or respiratory disease
T.H. who has stage 4 cancer
G.&P.T. a couple with multiple health concerns
A.N. a newborn with Kasabach Merritt phenomenon
S.S. suffers from chronic pain due to CRPS and damaged nerves
J.F. heart condition in hospice
D.I. diagnosed stage 4 prostate cancer, great pain
C.T. seeing the surgeon Tuesday, 3 more chemos before surgery
P.B. a friend of hers, Dad is sick
H.C. chronically ill
W.C. severe diabetes
B.K. no more bone or tissue degeneration from rheumatoid arthritis.
M.H. immense knee pain from surgery and is having surgery on left knee 1/24/20
G.H. - suffers from the after-effects of a stroke
D.H. breast cancer and is not doing well
L.P. blood pressure problems

Every valley shall be exalted
And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight
And the rough places smooth;
Isaiah 40:4 NKJV

Please join me this week in praying for healing for these brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering from disease or illness. Pray boldly and with your whole heart, knowing that whatever we ask for and do not doubt, God will do.
I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Instagram @archadia27
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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