but as long as I mindfully do something each day and build up the wisdom and confidence to do more and more, then hopefully, I'm planting seeds each and every day.
Let's pray for:
D.D. who is having double or triple bypass surgery this Tuesday or Wednesday
D.A. who has leukemia
B.F. who is dying from cancer
S.S. who has pancreatic cancer
M.W. who has a lung or respiratory disease
T.H. who has stage 4 cancer
G.&P.T. a couple with multiple health concerns
A.N. a newborn with a possible vascular tumor in her hand. She's having an MRI done Wednesday morning. Please pray that the doctors figure out what's wrong and that it's not life-threatening.
S.S. suffers from chronic pain due to CRPS and damaged nerves
J.F. heart condition in hospice
D.I. diagnosed stage 4 prostate cancer, great pain
C.T. seeing the surgeon Tuesday, 3 more chemos before surgery
P.B. a friend of hers, Dad is sick
H.C. chronically ill
W.C. severe diabetes
Send me anyone you would like for us to pray for this week to archadia7@yahoo.com and put in the subject line Prayer Request.
Remember to pray with your whole heart and believe that God will heal these people!
And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up.
James 5:15a NKJV
Please join me this week in praying for healing for these brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering from disease or illness. Pray boldly and with your whole heart, knowing that whatever we ask for and do not doubt, God will do.
I'll post daily reminders on:
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