Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Monday I said something about believing to be Christ-like meant trying to be perfect, which is an impossible task and is a set-up for failure but then I came across Matthew 5:48 (below) and had to go to the commentary to see what this meant.
     In case you're questioning this verse, also, it's saying that God needs for us to perfect in order to be with Him. He cannot accept an unrighteous being into His presence. However, He loves us and wants to be with us, and us with Him, so He arranged it so that that could happen. He sent His Son to be a mediator for us. Christ is perfect for us and He died for our sins so that we can have eternal life with the Father.
     The very least that I can do in return is to be as Christ-like as humanly possible. What I've been trying to do this week is to pray whenever a situation comes up that I would normally be very un-Christlike. I pray for patience, guidance, calmness, insight, humility...whatever I need to handle the situation with grace. It has worked really, really well.

Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:48 NKJV

Please join me this week in praying to be more like Jesus, being His image-bearers to the unbelievers of the world that they may see Him through us.
I'll post daily reminders on:
twitter @7DegreesOfMe
Instagram @archadia27
Facebook group 7th Hour Prayer Power

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